Vincent is one of the last humans to be born out of the love of his parents, and therefore out of the sight of genetic engineers. The imperfect Vincent is "doomed" to work as a janitor at the great Gattaca center for the cultivation of perfect humans, even though he so desires to become a space navigator himself. In the end, he chooses the path of deception. Take this now-classic film to the far future, to an Orwellian world with a caste system where a person's success, and indeed their entire life, is determined by their genetic make-up. However, successful people are no longer born normally, but in the laboratories of the company Gattaca, whose name is derived from the four nitrogenous bases of DNA, namely guanine, adenine, cytosine and thymine. And it is the DNA modifications that predispose these individuals to excellence and prosperity. Those who were born naturally are simply unlucky...
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