This superbly cast war drama, based on William Wharton's novel of the same name, is set in France, in the Ardennes forests in December 1944. It is at this time that an elite group of six rangers, led by Staff Sergeant Knott, are dropped in to secure a strategically important building, a woodland homestead, and investigate what happened to a previous patrol that failed to report. However, the initially banal action becomes complicated when the young American soldiers realise that a unit of Wehrmacht scouts has been targeting them all along. And they are even more surprised that the Germans are not attacking. Is this some new strategy of psychological warfare? Or are the Nazis refusing to fire just because it's Christmas and no one should die at such a time? And wouldn't it be a good idea to find out what this is all about? A deal is about to be struck which the superiors must not know about, but which will save many lives. Unless someone screws up...
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