In a tale of family, fun and adventure, Disney/Pixar tells the story of Miguel, a young musician who finds himself in the beautiful, colourful land of his ancestors. There he meets Hector, a charming con man who becomes his friend and helps Miguel unravel the mysteries of his family and traditions. Disney Pixar's 'COCO' tells the story of a 12-year-old musician and his journey to the magical Land of the Dead.
The film won the 2018 Golden Globe® Award for Best Animated Feature, the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Feature, the Academy Award® Oscar® for Best Animated Feature and Best Song for "Remember Me." The film also features a stellar score by Oscar®-winning composer Michael Giacchino and his 83-piece orchestra, as well as original songs including the aforementioned Oscar®-winning "Remember Me."
Composers Kirsten Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez have won the Oscar® for Best Original Song for a Motion Picture in the past, for the world-famous "Let It Go" from Disney's Frozen...
Music: Michael Giacchino
Script: Adrian Molina, Matthew Aldrich
Cinematography: Matt Aspbury, Danielle Feinberg
Production: Darla K. Anderson
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