Painful Reality is a 1994 film that follows the lives of three young people - Lelaine (Winona Ryder), Troy (Ethan Hawke) and Vickie (Janeane Garofalo) - living in the highly competitive world of 1990s New York.
The film focuses on their relationships, goals and struggles to find their place in society. Lelaina struggles to find meaning in her life, while Troy struggles with his own inability to settle down and Vickie struggles with her body image. The film is known for its authentic portrayal of the younger generation and great performances from the lead actors including Steve Zahn and Ben Stiller. A Painful Reality is a funny yet poignant portrait of young people lost in a world full of uncertainty and pressure.
Music: Karl Wallinger
Script: Helen Childress
Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki
Production: Stacey Sher, Michael Shamberg
Bonus features:
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