• detail Game of Thrones - Season 5. - (5 BD) - Blu-ray VIVA packaging

Game of Thrones - Season 5. - (5 BD) - Blu-ray VIVA packaging

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44,92 €
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Czech title:
Hra o trůny - 5. série
Game of Thrones Season 5 [USA / Velká Británie, 2015]
CZ dabing, CZ titulky
czech czech 2.0, english english 5.1, english english Dolby Atmos TrueHD, french 5.1, German German 5.1, polish polish 2.0, španělský (Kastilie) 5.1, španělský (Latinská Amerika) 2.0
czech czech, english english for the deaf, danish, finnish, french, Dutch, German German, norwegian, polish polish, portugalské (Brazílie), greek greek, spanish (Kastilie), spanish (Latin America), swedish
559 minutes
Čsfd rating:
In stock
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  • Description

The most-watched series in HBO® history and a global television phenomenon, Game of Thrones continues to be a hit. Its 12 Emmy® Awards are the most ever for a television series collected in a single year.
The new season begins with a standoff that the heroes of Westeros and Essos try to turn to their advantage. At the same time, in Castle Black, Jon tries to find a compromise between the demands of the Night's Watch and newcomer Stannis Baratheon, who styles himself as the rightful ruler of Westeros. Meanwhile, Cersei, surrounded by the Tyrells and a growing religious movement with the mysterious High Sparrow at its head, struggles to maintain her rule in King's Landing while Jamie embarks on a secret mission. Across the Narrow Sea, Arya searches for an old acquaintance and fugitive Tyrion finds a new case. The atmosphere in Meereen thickens and Danaerys Targaryen realizes that her weak position in the city will require great sacrifice. The new series delivers the hottest scenes yet, in the name of the unwelcome promise of "the coming winter"...



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