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  • detail How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray
  • detail How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray
  • detail How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray
  • detail How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray
  • detail How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray

How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Blu-ray

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Czech title:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas [Německo, USA, 2000]
CZ dabing, CZ titulky
czech czech DTS Digital Surround 5.1, english english DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, hungarian hungarian DTS Digital Surround 5.1, polish polish comment DTS Digital Surround 5.1, portugalský (Brazílie) DTS Digital Surround 5.1, russian russian DTS Digital Surround 5.1, Thai Thai DTS Digital Surround 5.1, turkish turkish DTS Digital Surround 5.1
czech czech, english english for the deaf, bulgarian bulgarian, estonian, hebrew, croatian croatian, indonesian, kantonské, korean, litevské, latvian, hungarian hungarian, mandarin, polish polish, portugalské (Brazílie), romanian romanian, Russian Russian, greek greek, slovenian, thai thai, turkish turkish, ukrainian ukrainian
105 minutes
Carrier (platform):
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  • Description

The Grinch came into the world just like all Kdovíci from the town of Kdosice. One cold night he landed in his little paraplestery on the doorstep of two good-natured sisters, Růza and Klára. They took him in lovingly, although from the very first moment they suspected that he was different from the other Kdosice babies. At the age of eight, the Grinch grew a beard and hair, which turned green, and his peers taunted him at every turn. Then, in the run-up to Christmas, he left home, disregarded everyone, refused to celebrate Christmas, which is almost sacred to the people of Kdosice, and took up residence in a deep cave, high above the town. Since then, for years, he has been a nightmare for all Kdoviks and Kdovinky. It has terrified them and, worse still, made them feel remorseful. The streets of the town are alive with the pre-Christmas bustle, which multiplies the preparations for the celebration of the jubilee Kdoslava. That's when the spunky Cindy Lou decides to personally invite the Grinch and his dog Max to be the laughing master and make peace with the Whos. It all turns out very differently than the little one imagined, though, because the Grinch is a real maverick and with a heart two sizes too small. It's only when he discovers that Christmas can't be stolen because it can't be bought that he grows to his normal, who-knows-what size...



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