Directed by the versatile Ridley Scott, this historical masterpiece is set against the rewarding backdrop of ancient Rome, starring Russell Crowe and Joaquin Pheonix. Rome's finest slave-turned-general. The most miserable slave who became a Gladiator. The Gladiator who conquered the Empire! The unique story of General Maximus, who was the best commander of the Roman Empire, a favorite of the Emperor himself and his soldiers. His son's false love for his father and lust for power nearly cost him his life - but he certainly lost everything that mattered in his life, his wife and child. So he decided to defy fate and keep the promise he had made to the emperor just before he was murdered by his son. However, the adversity of fate brought him to Rome as a slave to become the best Gladiator ever to stand in the arena of the Colosseum and thus conquer all of Rome...
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