• detail Batman Begins - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Steelbook
  • detail Batman Begins - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Steelbook
  • detail Batman Begins - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Steelbook
  • detail Batman Begins - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Steelbook

Batman Begins - 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Steelbook
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Czech support only on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray
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Czech title:
Batman začíná
Batman Begins [USA, Velká Británie, 2005]
CZ dabing, CZ titulky
czech czech Dolby Digital 5.1, english english DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, english english comment Dolby Digital 5.1, french (Paříž) DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, italský Dolby Digital 5.1, mandarínský Dolby Digital 5.1, hungarian hungarian Dolby Digital 5.1, German German DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, polish polish comment Dolby Digital 5.1, portugalský (Brazílie) Dolby Digital 5.1, russian russian Dolby Digital 5.1, Thai Thai Dolby Digital 5.1, turkish turkish Dolby Digital 5.1, španělský (Kastilie) Dolby Digital 5.1, španělský (Latinská Amerika) Dolby Digital 5.1
czech czech, english english for the deaf, arabic, chinese zjednodušené, chinese, danish, finnish, french (Paříž), hebrew, Dutch, croatian croatian, italian, kantonské, korean, hungarian hungarian, German German, norwegian, polish polish, portugalské (Brazílie), portugalské (Evropa), romanian romanian, Russian Russian, greek greek, spanish (Kastilie), spanish (Latin America), swedish, thai thai, turkish turkish
139 minutes
Carrier (platform):
4K ULTRA HD Blu-ray
Čsfd rating:
  • Description

Acclaimed director Christopher Nolan discovers the origins of the legendary Dark Knight. Scarred by the murder of his parents, billionaire Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world in search of a way to fight injustice. With the help of his loyal butler Alfred (Michael Caine), cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and ally Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham and unleashes his other self, Batman, a masked warrior who uses his strength, intelligence and the latest technology to fight evil...



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