Babel is the third film resulting from the successful collaboration between director Alejandro González Inárritu and screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga (Amores Perros, 21 Grams). As in their previous collaborative projects, several seemingly unrelated human fates are randomly intertwined...
A pair of Americans, Richard and Susan, are on a trip to Morocco. However, due to Susan's health, they must hastily extend their stay...
Nanny Amelia is worried she won't make it to her relatives' wedding in Mexico. Together with her nephew, she decides to go there secretly with the children in her care...
In Japan, a young deaf-mute girl is dealing with her psychological problems. These are caused by her mother's suicide and her inability to communicate with her father...
The sons of a Moroccan shepherd have been given a hunting rifle by their father for looking after the sheep. Of course they want to try it out. The bullet flies further than they thought...
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